Vidro Azul ("Blue Glass")

Vidro Azul ("Blue Glass"): its broadcastings began in RUC-Radio University of Coimbra, later extending to Radio Radar, and now on Radio SBSR. In its two-hour duration, this author’s project explores melancholic sonorities also experimenting, boundarylessly, with beautiful ethereal landscapes. Through several genres ranging from folk, glitch, indietronica, neoclassical, ambient, jazz, indie pop, minimal among others, themes are blended in an intentional attempt to create a coherent harmony.

segunda-feira, janeiro 2

2006: Vidro Azul a seguir em frente para o 4.º ano de emissões regulares!
Hoje, regressamos ao directo a passar discos do ano velho que ainda não soaram no programa:
Thee More Shallows - More Deep Cuts
Mark Eitzel - Candy Ass
Boards of Canada - The Campfire Headphase
Parker & Lily - The Low Lows
Castanets - First Light's Freeze
Donna Regina - Slow Killer
o resto, como sempre, logo se !

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