Vidro Azul ("Blue Glass")

Vidro Azul ("Blue Glass"): its broadcastings began in RUC-Radio University of Coimbra, later extending to Radio Radar and Radio SBSR. In its two-hour duration, this author’s project explores melancholic sonorities also experimenting, boundarylessly, with beautiful ethereal landscapes. Through several genres ranging from folk, glitch, indietronica, neoclassical, ambient, jazz, indie pop, minimal among others, themes are blended in an intentional attempt to create a coherent harmony.

terça-feira, fevereiro 21


 Emissão de 19 de Fevereiro disponível em formato podcast.

"Guardar Link Como" - "Save Link As"

(February 19)

1.ª parte:
1 - Thom Yorke - ANIMA - Dawn Chorus
2 - Kelly Lee Owens - LP.8.2 - The First Song
3 - Kelly Lee Owens - LP.8.2 - Find Our Way
4 - Eartheater - RIP Chrysalis - If It In Yin
5 - Loscil - Clara - Vespera
6 - Yo La Tengo - This Stupid World - Miles Away
7 - Arca - KiCk i - No Queda Nada
8 - Jenny Hval - Buffy - Buffy
9 - Dear Laika - Pluperfect Mind - Phlebotomy
10 - William Basinski & Janek Schaefer - “ . . . on reflection “ -  . . . on reflection (three)
11 - Gloria de Oliveira and Dean Hurley - Oceans of Time - Seven Summits
12 - Sea Oleena - Untethering - Untethering

2.ª parte:
13 - Mount Eerie - Clear Moon - Yawning Sky
14 - Eluvium - Phantasia Telephonics / The Violet Light - The Violet Light
15 - Samantha Crain - A Small Death - An Echo
16 - The Delines - The Sea Drift - Saved from the Sea
17 - Gena Rose Bruce - Deep Is The Way - Future
18 - (Smog) - Red Apple Falls - To Be Of Use
19 - Alela Diane - Looking Glass - Of Love
20 - Anna B Savage - in|FLUX - Say My Name
21 - Lisa O’Neill - All Of This Is Chance - Old Note
22 - Lisa O’Neill - All Of This Is Chance - If I Was A Painter
23 - Shannon Lay - Geist - Awaken and Allow
24 - Trentemøller - Memoria - Linger
25 - Birds Of Passage - The Last Garden - The Light Became
26 - William Tyler - New Vanitas - Big Sky Waltz
27 - White Flowers - Day by Day - Katy Song

* imagem de (image by) Erich Hartmann

1 comentário:

asperezas disse...

Obrigado. Fiquei fã da cover de Katy Song pelos White Flowers :)