Vidro Azul ("Blue Glass")

Vidro Azul ("Blue Glass"): its broadcastings began in RUC-Radio University of Coimbra, later extending to Radio Radar, and now on Radio SBSR. In its two-hour duration, this author’s project explores melancholic sonorities also experimenting, boundarylessly, with beautiful ethereal landscapes. Through several genres ranging from folk, glitch, indietronica, neoclassical, ambient, jazz, indie pop, minimal among others, themes are blended in an intentional attempt to create a coherent harmony.

terça-feira, junho 9

Emissão de 7 de Junho disponível em formato podcast.

"Guardar Link Como" - "Save Link As"

(June 7th)

1.ª parte:

1 - Molly Burch - Only One - Only One
2 - The Delines - The Imperial - Let's Be Us Again
3 - Luke Temple - Both-And - Wounded Brightness
4 - Vetiver - To Who Knows Where - To Who Knows Where
5 - Damien Jurado - What's New, Tomboy? - Ochoa
6 - Joan Shelley - … - Bed In The River
7 - M. Ward - Migration Stories - Rio Drone
8 - M. Ward - Migration Stories - Migration of Souls
9 - Siskiyou - Not Somewhere - Stop Trying
10 - Tiny Ruins - Olympic Girls (Solo) - One Million Flowers (Solo)
11 - Daughter of Swords - Dawnbreaker - Fellows
12 - The Clientele - … - Closer
13 - Gregory Uhlmann - Neighborhood Watch - Santa Fe
14 - Space Daze - Too Mystical - Bummer
15 - Squirrel Flower - I Was Born Swimming - Headlights
16 - Julia Jacklin - Crushing - Comfort
17 - Andy Shauf - The Neon Skyline - The Moon

2.ª parte:

18 - Brigid Mae Power - Head Above The Water - Wearing Red That Eve
19 - Birds Are Indie - Migrations - The Place
20 - David Norland - Glam Tear Stain - Agate Or Barium
21 - Jónsi And Alex Somers - Lost And Found - Boy
22 - Douglas Dare  - Milkteeth - Run
23 - Nils Frahm - Encores 2 - Sweet Little Lie
24 - Ian William Craig - Red Sun Through Smoke - Stories
25 - Ryan Lott - Pentaptych    - Water Fields
26 - Bill Ryder-Jones - Yawny Yawn - Mither (Yawny Yawn)
27 - Tindersticks - No Treasure But Hope    - For the Beauty
28 - Emma Russack And Lachlan Denton - Take The Reigns - Dreams Die
29 - Shannon Wright - Providence - Close the Door
30 - Eluvium - Pianoworks - An Accidental Memory in the Case of Death
31 - Beverly Glenn-Copeland - Keyboard Fantasies - Sunset Village

* imagem de (image by) Gil Rigoulet

1 comentário:

Marcelo Borealis disse...

Salve, Ricardo. Uma sugestão, se é que já não tenha apreciado: Mirror Box de Blake Mills. Vida longa a você. Obrigado.