Vidro Azul ("Blue Glass")

Vidro Azul ("Blue Glass"): its broadcastings began in RUC-Radio University of Coimbra, later extending to Radio Radar, and now on Radio SBSR. In its two-hour duration, this author’s project explores melancholic sonorities also experimenting, boundarylessly, with beautiful ethereal landscapes. Through several genres ranging from folk, glitch, indietronica, neoclassical, ambient, jazz, indie pop, minimal among others, themes are blended in an intentional attempt to create a coherent harmony.

terça-feira, maio 15

Emissão de 13 de Maio disponível em formato podcast.

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(May 13th)

1.ª parte:

1 - Bonnie "Prince" Billy & Matt Sweeney - Superwolf - Beast for Thee
2 - Haley Henderick - I Need To Star A Garden - The Bug Collector
3 - Bryan John Appleby - Fire on the Vine - ...And the Revelation
4 - Castanets - In The Vines - And the Swimming
5 - Soap&Skin - Narrow - Wonder
6 - Daniel Blumberg - Minus - The Bomb
7 - De La Mancha - The End* Of Music - Willow Lane
8 - Federico Albanese - By the Deep Sea - The Cradle
9 - Liam Singer - Winter Weeds - Winter Weeds
10 - DM Stith - Heavy Ghost Appendices - Around The Lion Legs (Slow Dance Version)
11 - Keith Freund - Constant Comments - Eye Colorism
12 - Peter Broderick - The Perpetual Glow - The Perpetual Glow
13 - Hans Zimmer - Blade Runner 2049 (OST) - Rain
14 - Moonface - Julia With Blue Jeans On - Dreamy Summer

2.ª parte:

15 - Grouper - Grid of Points - Breathing
16 - Kyle Bobby Dunn - Bring Me the Head of Kyle Bobby Dunn - Diamond Cove (...)
17 - Trouble Books - Gathered Tones - Abandoned Monorail Station
18 - Eric Chenaux - Slowly Paradise - There's Our Love
19 - Grizzly Bear - Shields - The Hunt
20 - Dream Koala - Earth. Home. Destroyed. - A Cosmic Landscape
21 - Cocteau Twins - Treasure - Pandora
22 - Field Rotation - Fatalist: The Repetition of History - Valse Fatale
23 - American Analog Set - Set Free - She's Half
24 - American Music Club - Mercury - Will You Find Me?
25 - Ron Sexsmith - Forever Endeavour - The Morning Light
26 - Neil Halstead - Palindrome Hunches - Tied to You
27 - Rachel Grimes - Marion County 1938 - Earthly Heaven    
28 - (Smog) - Dongs of Sevotion - Easily Led

* imagem de (image by) Bruce Davidson

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