Vidro Azul ("Blue Glass")

Vidro Azul ("Blue Glass"): its broadcastings began in RUC-Radio University of Coimbra, later extending to Radio Radar and Radio SBSR. In its two-hour duration, this author’s project explores melancholic sonorities also experimenting, boundarylessly, with beautiful ethereal landscapes. Through several genres ranging from folk, glitch, indietronica, neoclassical, ambient, jazz, indie pop, minimal among others, themes are blended in an intentional attempt to create a coherent harmony.

terça-feira, abril 19

Download: Vidro Azul Podcast Blog
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1.ª parte:

1 - Birds Of Passage - Without The World - Pray For A Sunny Day
2 - O - Erik Satie Et Les Nouveaux Jeunes - Gnossienne N.º3
3 - Álfheimr - What Allows Us To Endure - A Song For A Beauty & Adornment
4 - Foxes In Fiction - Swung From The Branches - Coffee Cups That Won't Break Down
5 - Foxes In Fiction - Swung From The Branches - Snow Angels
6 - Perfume Genius - Learning - Gay Angels
7 - Little Scream - The Golden Record - Your Radio
8 - Taylor Deupree - Weather And Worn (7'') - Worn
9 - King Creosote & Jon Hopkins - Diamond Mine - Running On Fumes
10 - Small Sur - Bare Black (EP) - Weeds
11 - The Parade Schedule - Seeds To Be Planted, Trees To Be Cut - Be Safe
12 - (Smog) - Red Apple Falls - To Be Of Use

2.ª parte:

13 - Clem Snide - Suburban Field Recordings III - Nothing Is Over, Not Yet
14 - Clem Snide - Suburban Field Recordings III - No Need, No More
15 - Tiago Sousa - Insónia - Insónia
16 - Phaedra - The Sea - Death Will Come
17 - Thousands - The Sound Of Everything - The Sound Of Everything
18 - Richard McGraw - Burying The Dead - Grace
19 - Bedroom - El Fum Blanc - Cabana Negra
20 - Mirel Wagner - Mirel Wagner - Despair
21 - Headless Heroes - The Silence Of Love - Blues Run The Game
22 - Soccer Committee - SC - Here I Go Again
23 - Márcia - ... - Morning To Awake
24 - Sleeping Me - Cradlesongs - First Cell, First Love
25 - Nick Drake - Tanworth-In-Arden - Milk And Honey
26 - Jackson C. Frank - Jackson C. Frank - Milk And Honey

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